Kevin Pollack receives a Maverick Spirit Award at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose
Kevin Pollack receives a Maverick Spirit Award at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose
Kevin Pollack receives a Maverick Spirit Award at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose

Tonight, it was Kevin Pollack’s turn to receive a Maverick Spirit Award from the Cinequest film organizers in San Jose. But not before he gave an entertaining and laugh-filled stand-up set that lasted just under an hour, and included several of his trademark impressions. Especially good were Jack Nicholson (as an amusing onlooker to Pollack’s own impersonation) and William Shatner (as the inventor of “pause acting”… great stuff!).

I really enjoy Pollack’s sarcastic-driven humor, Loni less so. But it was Loni’s question that was asked on stage… what was Kevin Pollack’s response? Check out the video below for the live excerpts from tonight’s show (and my apologies for the poor quality… we didn’t exactly have our A-rig on hand tonight).

One thing that was particularly interesting was Kevin Pollack’s continual reference to Twitter — an exploding cultural phenomena we’ve been embracing here on SSC for some time now. With iPhone in hand, he checked incoming Tweets throughout the Q&A after his stand-up routine, even reading some aloud. It was funny stuff, but also perhaps revealing the social impact things like Twitter, Facebook and other technology is having on the way we interact… even among celebrities and their fans.

Pollack mentioned he joined Twitter only 16 days ago, and already has over 80,000 followers.

To him, it felt a bit like “selling real estate”. I checked after the show, and sure enough, he has about 81,000+ followers now. That’s about 81,000 more than me (although I think I’m still beating Loni)… but, hey quality over quantity.

Did you know that he got started at the age of 10, by lip-syncing to Bill Cosby’s first comedy record playing from a “hi-fi” piece of furniture?

During the evening the question of how someone was able to get Kevin Pollack’s phone # came up a few times in reference to some of his recorded voicemails. I wonder, though, now with Twitter (and Facebook too) if those days are bygone. After all, it just takes a quick click or two to look someone up now. No more crumpled toilet paper, matchbook or napkin with scribbled phone number!

So I guess I’ll send out a “Tweet” when this post is published, and who knows, maybe Kevin Pollack himself will see it and drop by SSC. Or maybe not. After all I’m sure 81,000+ other people are thinking the same thing. At least, those 7 television screens in Kevin’s home looping scenes of him kissing supermodels can now also loop his incoming fan tweets.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear