google-is-search-leader-in-the-us-2The February search rankings report from comScore reveal Google’s stranglehold on all things search is still commanding.

According to the report, about 60% of all Internet searches go through Google or one of its many properties such as YouTube. Its closest competitor, Yahoo, takes in just over 20%. Microsoft, despite pouring on the marketing budget for its Live search service, comes in third place.

Definitely nothing new here.

But it confirms that a) Google is still the search juggernaut, b) its lead does not appear to be in jeopardy anytime soon, and c) throwing money at branding and marketing will have little impact in trying to steal share away from Google.

[Source: comScore February 2009 Search Rankings]

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear