Have you ever wondered what it’s like to taste wine from over 100 barrels per day?! Are you curious to know the #1 influencer of a great wine? We were fortunate to have Peter Heitz, a 4th generation vintner and winemaker, from the storied Turnbull Cellars join our latest ‘WineTales‘ show with host Loni Kao Stark.

Turnbull produces some of the best wines around. Their wines consistently score well with critics around the world and continue to receive acclaim. The Turnbull 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon received 95 points turnbull-logofrom the Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine, and the Turnbull 2002 “Black Label” Cab (a personal favorite) scored 94 points from Wine Spectator.

The wines are crafted using seventeen grape varieties grown on family-owned, estate vineyards in Oakville, Calistoga (where Peter grew up), and Howell Mountain.

You may not realize the sheer amount of wine tasting (and grape sampling) a winemaker does in just a typical day.

Here’s some winemaking math that may surprise you:

  • Turnbull Cellars produces approximately 25,000 cases of wine per year
  • 25,000 cases = approximately 1,100 red Barrels of a vintage
  • Typically there are 2 vintages on hand (2007 and 2008 currently)
  • 2 vintages x 1,100 barrels = 2,200 barrels on hand
  • Peter Heitz make an effort to taste from every barrel once per month
  • That’s over 100 barrels of wine each day!

We want to thank the busy Turnbull team for allowing Loni to spend the time with them on ‘Wine Tales’. Thanks Peter, Claudia and C.J. for allowing us to share your passion with others.

ssclogopodcastwinetalesWine Tales #3: Turnbull Cellars in Oakville, Napa Valley

  • Growing up in a wine family, 4th generation
  • Why winemaking is like painting the Golden Gate bridge
  • The #1 consideration in making great wines
  • The 5 Turnbull Estate Vineyard properties in the Napa Valley
  • Walking vineyard rows and farming in harmony
  • Golden Eagles & Coyotes

Listen here:

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear