the-andes-argentina1Recall your last few conversations about wine, and I’d wager someone mentioned Malbec at some point. Probably followed by superlatives related to flavor and price.

So what exactly is this Malbec grape all about?

No doubt there is a mini-boom in progress. Just take a look at your local wine shop and you’ll see increasing amounts of space dedicated to this bold, edgy emerging grape.

Argentina has successfully crafted itself as the Malbec poster child with prominent brands such as Achaval Ferrer, Colomé, Bodega Noemia de Patagonia, Rutini and countless others being snatched up by US and Canadian consumers.

One of the perks of Malbec is that if offers a Bordeaux like experience — rich, dark, juicy — but without the French premium.

There is a good article in the Wall Street Journal, ‘Malbec Beckons — Heed the Call’, that highlights some of the top picks. And although I’m somewhat partial to our home grown varietals here in Napa and Sonoma, I have enjoyed plenty of Malbec.

It’s always exciting when new trends in varietals like Malbec (Albariños and Tempranillo) emerge as it opens our eyes (and mouths!) to wonderful new types of wines across the globe.

A recent favorite of mine, Kaiken (88 pts. full review), is available at your local Costco for only $8.99. A great way to see what all the fuss is about.

[Wall Street Journal Food & Wine: Malbec Beckons — Heed the Call ]

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear