Those of you interested in the happenings of Loreto Baja will want to listen in to the latest ‘Loreto Live’ podcast!

Hot on the heels of a conversation we had with Jim last week (A conversation with Jim Spano on Loreto Baja, JW Marriott and the Loreto Visitors Bureau), Loni sits down with Jim to talk in-depth about Loreto and the resort real estate strategy of Spano Partners.

In the real estate business for over 25 years, and Managing Partner and Principal of Spano Partners, Jim has excellent insight into the overall real estate market and what’s happening to valuations and overall demand. His company is also involved with the JW Marriott Loreto Residences resort on the Sea of Cortez in Loreto, which recently opened its picturesque sales center.

Late last year, the new Loreto Visitors Bureau was created and Jim runs that along with several Loreto business owners and stakeholders.

LORETO LIVE #6 – Jim Spano, Chairman of the Loreto Visitors Bureau

  • What’s happening in the resort real estate market
  • The shift to value proposition and why it matters today
  • An update on Loreto Baja
  • The new marketing message and positioning of Loreto as the “soul of the Sea of Cortez”
  • JW Marriott Loreto Residences
  • The Loreto Visitors Bureau goals, objectives and current initiatives
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear