The Loreto Bay property management (or as it is now referenced “owners”) newsletter arrived today in our email inbox.

It’s always interesting to checkout the every changing look & feel and more importantly the updates.  This issue is a little longer relative to past issues, at about 6 pages and contains some decent information.

Below are the highlights and a link to the newsletter.


Highlights include:

  • A new homeowner service to help assist with special projects, “It might be installing additional lighting, shelving or a very popular upgrade to the courtyard drainage systems that moves water efficiently to the exterior of the home.” Homeowners should email property management for more information
  • New home Warranty books have been emailed to all homeowners who have accepted a home. If you haven’t received yours, email  and include your lot number
  • On road and pool work: “We reported last month that crews had been steadily working on the back entry road, the Paseo, the cluster 9 pool and the common areas in clusters 3 and 14. The common areas are almost 100% complete but work is still underway on the cluster 9 pool and the roads.”

To read the whole newsletter, or download in PDF, visit the Loreto Bay section of SSC here, and click on “Newsletters“.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear