Loreto Bay Golf Course

Loreto Bay Golf Course

Those interested in golf in Loreto and progress of the course at the Inn at Loreto Bay should enjoy reading Drew’s new post “Golf Anyone” on his Living Loreto blog. It’s the most comprehensive report I’ve seen yet. With no less than 10 photos of the course, it really gives you a sense of the beauty of the scenery. Drew played a 9-hole round starting at the 10th tee.

Drew summarizes it best:

Whether you are a scratch golfer or a wanna-be duffer, this course is, at the very least, a wonderful excuse to spend a couple of hours surrounded by the beauty of our community, with breathtaking views of the mountains, the sea, the estuaries and, not least of all, the multi-coloured, many towered homescape that is becoming the Villages of Loreto Bay. So, regardless of your skills, golf is going to be an important part of “Living Loreto”.

I have not played the course yet, but look forward to it soon. Whenever we visit Loreto we are astounded at the amount of effort it takes to maintain the course. It’s hard enough in a regular climate in the US or Canada, but maintaining a lush course in the middle of the Baja desert is quite the feat.

Read the article “Golf Anyone” here.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear