Last night, with the glow of computer screens lighting our kitchen and office, we flipped the switch and held our collective breath.

You never know with these “migrations”, a fancy word for plenty of headache, long hours, working with coders and designers. And then of course there is the all important “creative differences” factor that can pop up every now and again with a certain domestic lovely.

All in all, everything turned out well. There were moments when we thought the whole thing was doomed. Our only recourse at times was to take a deep breath, hit the gym and listen to some music, or talk with family and friends.

Thanks to everyone who helped. Even though we are a very small blog, moving all the posts, and applying a new design is never easy.

Of course we always do want to hear what you have to say! How is the new layout? Fonts: too big or small (we wouldn’t want you to miss any of Loni’s slyly disguised comments directed to yours truly)? Information navigation?

And on Loni’s point in her last post, yes we’re now on WordPress, thanks to a casual business conversation. Not that there was anything wrong with TypePad. In fact their service was excellent. It was time though to plan for more growth, as an increasing number of repeat visitors hit the site.

Perhaps I’m still partial to the yellow and brown look of the old site, plus the logo. But I can see the value of having more content on the screen and a smaller header.

Quick note to all guest bloggers: you should have received an email, or will shortly, with a new login and password. Your account was also migrated to WordPress.

Being a guy of design, marketing and technology, I’ll probably write up a brief visual history of this site, and my previous site established in 1997, Clintworld (yes I know, a bachelor, ego name for sure!). Stay tuned.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear