Why not add some Web 2.0 and social networking fun this weekend from Loreto?

Share your thoughts, photos, rumors, observations… anything you can think of … with all your fellow homeowners and people interested in the Loreto area.

Like I wrote about last week, it’s really easy. There are 2 ways to do it:

You can send just a photo. Or just text. Or anything. The ‘subject’ line is your blog title. And the content is your blog entry. It will automatically appear on the Loreto Live page within minutes. Your family, friends, and everyone that reads this site can follow along!

Just use twitter on your phone or web browser to send us a tweet.  More examples and link to the LORETO LIVE site below.

@loretolive We’re stopping by Cafe Ole now, you just can’t beat their tacos. The shop next door is under renovation”
@loretolive touring the construction in LB. Cabinet framing has changed. MDF. Checking in for more info.”

You may wonder why bother? Well give it a shot. Loni and I think you’ll have fun. It’s just a fun little interactive expirement… if we just hear crickets, then we won’t do it again. But at least we tried.

So to recap:

  • Email loretolive anytime to blog. You don’t even need to be in Loreto.
  • Twitter @loretolive. Also anytime up to 140 characters.

Finally here is a link to the LORETO LIVE web page (note: URL updated) where you’ll see everything unfold. You can bookmark it if you want.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear