The results are in! Yes, AT&T wireless BlackBerry coverage works all over Loreto and Nopolo (the same results as earlier this year, in 2007 and 2006) … in Agua Viva, poolside at the Inn at Loreto Bay, downtown, the farmer’s market, on the beach next to the Sea of Cortez, LAX and SFO. Here is Loni in action with all the Twitter and Adobe conference calling proof. All work and no play…

(click here to read Loni’s Twitter log from Loreto)

Loni Loreto BlackBerry

“…I’m about to lose this hat on the plane…”

Loreto BlackBerry on Paseo near Posadas
“I wonder when they’ll start putting up the Posadas…”
Loreto BlackBerry walking down the Paseo in Loreto Bay
“…Adobe and PDF and Government solutions…”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry with La Giganta mountains in background
“…La Giganta mountains? Where…?”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry poolside by the Inn at Loreto Bay with beautiful Sea of Cortez begging for attention in background
“…Sea of Cortez…world’s aquarium… never heard of it…”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry from tower of Agua Viva AV25 in Loreto Bay
“…hang on…is that water…?”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry inspecting site construction
“got to get to my next meeting”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry from AV25 first floor Nueva Chica
“some day I need to check on the construction of our home in Loreto Bay…”
Loni Loreto BlackBerry from the Farmer's Market in Loreto, Baja Mexico

“breaking news… I’m buying a Papaya…”

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear