It’s easy to find greaImg_56411_3t wines for over $20, or in the case of Napa cabs over $60. But we’re always thrilled to find that hidden gem under $20 that makes for a nice daily wine.

My tried and true Riesling of choice these days is from Chateau St. Michelle which I previously reviewed (see review, score 88). And after searching high and low for another decent value Riesling encountering plenty of fruit overload, or flat drabby wines along the way we came across a sale at Cost Plus World Market on the 2007 Loredona Riesling. We bought two bottles.

So I compared the 2007 Loredona Riesling to the 2007 Chateau St. Michelle. I discovered that both are great for the money, but reveal slightly different and equally enjoyable character.

The Loredona, like the St. Michelle, is also crisp and not overly sweet. The difference is the Loredona has nice hints of melon and apples (I’d say of the grannysmith variety) in the nose and finish. Quite nice. If you’re not into melon flavors, then the St. Michelle would be a better choice as it far more neutral (in a nice way).

When it comes to the wineries themselves, it’s a bit like David and Goliath. Chateau St. Michelle as I’ve previously written is the #1 producer in the US of Rieslings. Loredona, on the other hand, is a boutique winery that produces only three varietals (Pinot Grigiot, Viognier and the Riesling).

RieslingAccording to their web site, this Riesling picked up 4 awards, including best of show white, at the July California State Fair.

Loredona impressed me, and I’m happy to add it to our regular wine shopping list.

2007 Loredona Riesling Monterey
Loredona Wine Cellars , Manteca, CA
Riesling, Alc. 12.5%
$9.99 (look for $7.99 sale at Cost Plus World Market, in-store only)

Clint says: If you like your Riesling’s with a hint of melon, this is a great daily wine choice.

Rating: 89 out of 100 (recommended)

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear