For the latest and greatest in the SF Bay area and west coast living, with a little blooper here and there for good measure, be sure to subscribe to SSC. This short announcement provides updated information on ways to access SSC which has become even more widely available than ever.

Over the past twelve months we’ve grown to over 300,000 readers thanks to everyone that visits the site, reads stories using an RSS reader, watches videos or accesses the content with the new SSC iPhone App now available on iTunes.

“Twice as fun… but only half as smart.”

New media and independent publishers are important drivers in the changing, evolving landscape that is journalism.

StarkSilverCreek - All Things West CoastWe can all expect continued, and exciting changes. Whether you’re here to try a recipe from Loni’s California Kitchen, download urban gardening planter box plans, or just check that latest in west coast and SF Bay Area living, we want to thank you for your support.

Fortunately we have some really great people contributing, that are going above and beyond to share their stories, their adventures, their pithy moments in life, their observations… essentially, their lives. So thanks to: Patricia Reardon, Jane Lurie, Al Graichen, Carl Orthlieb, Eugene Lee, Mike Carrall, Tom Eden, and so many others that have submitted guest blog posts over the years (blog @ Also to Cy Ashely Webb, our newest member, for her great contributions in and around Palo Alto!

Now, on to the ways you can access Stark Insider. The RSS feed has been updated, and you should make sure to update it if you read SSC using something like Google Reader.

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.