Pret a Manger provides fresh food on the go. Swank music plays while my eyes skim across all the appetizing choices for lunch.
Pret a Manger provides fresh food on the go. Swank music plays while my eyes skim across all the appetizing choices for lunch.

It didn’t take long after landing in London to find myself wooed by several Pret a Manger eateries along the busy, wet sidewalks.

The last time I was in London if you recall, I fell in love with Pret a Manger’s Hoisin Duck Wrap (“Pret a Manger? Abso-bloody-lutely!“) and it was only a matter of time before I succumb to the cravings.

After a very good meeting at the Royal Courts of Justice, I sauntered into the Pret a Manger at Strand and greedily soaked in the climate-controlled shelves of familiar sandwiches, salads, deserts and new product lines that Pret has expanded into including porridge as many posters around Pret proudly announced.

Sitting at a table that stretched across the expanse Pret, dividing gray, gloomy weather outside and the welcoming warmth of the eatery.

It was a gray, damp, cloudy day outside. However, Pret was a cleverly created atmosphere of warmth, delicious goodness and groovy music. Somehow sitting on the bar stool, peering out, I relished that I was sitting in the warmth of Pret, hands circled around a Hoisin Duck wrap, a mouth watering in anticipation.

The outside of a Pret. My heart quickens when I spot one of these.

Somehow, Pret, like a trendy clothing store, has created an atmosphere that makes you want to linger and somehow the coolness associated with Pret gets rubbed off on you. It is one of the chains which I think has been able to transform a act of sheer necessity…eating…into a sensory experience that appeals to both our indulgent and pragmatic side of life.

Okay, enough poetics, here are the shots of my lunch after my meeting with Nigel and his team at Royal Courts of Justice. As an aside, while I was entering Pret after my meeting, I bumped into Nigel exiting Pret…he too must like this little piece of sanctuary.

The infamous Hoisin Duck Wrap. Don't underestimate the power of this seemingly simple creation.
The branding of Pret.
My wonderful crayfish and avocado salad. I love the avocados, they were so fresh and buttery.
Packaging such as this makes it easy to pick out what you want from the selves.
I enjoy reading the different names of the sandwiches and salads here.
Eating at Pret is as much about sustenance of the mind as it is about the stomach.
Even the water looks more appetizing with the Pret branding.
Finishing off with some moist, fresh carrot cake. Only complaint here was the icing was a little too sweet.
Others enjoying Pret.
The many choices of Pret. Perusing along these shelves is just as much fun as the consuming of their food.
The view outside.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.