Ennio: The Living Paper Cartoon" at Club Fugazi

Here’s a twist in production design.

San Francisco-based Club Fugazi is bringing a show to town where the costumes are made of… paper.

Ennio: The Living Paper Cartoon is a 70-minute show featuring “quick change” artist Ennio Marchetto.

The parody features over 60 popular characters from the world of music, movies, works of art, and world leaders.

Per the announcement:

Characters are as diverse as the Mona Lisa, Marilyn Monroe, Adele, Freddie Mercury, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Elvis, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Justin Bieber, Dolly Parton, Eminem, Bono, The Queen of England, James Bond, and many, many more.

The Olivier award-nominated show also features a “sizzling soundtrack” — well, of course, this is Club Fugazi after all!

In 2001, Ennie Marchetto performed at Elton John’s AIDs benefit in Oxfordshire.

Ennio: The Living Paper Cartoon is scheduled to open January 11, 2023 at Club Fugazi in San Francisco.