Alternative Renderings, a duo exhibition featuring new work by San Francisco based artists, Tom Colcord and Tim Irani
In Review

Alternative Renderings

4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars - 'Smashing'
Glass Rice Art Gallery, San Francisco
Tom Colcord & Tim Irani
Review by Jeanne Powell

Since January 25th the Glass Rice Art Gallery in San Francisco has featured the work of two local artists – Tom Colcord and Tim Irani. Your last opportunity to view their “Alternative Renderings” exhibit is this Saturday, February 22nd.

Tom Colcord’s paintings explore the fluidity of perception in two styles unique to his practice – small scale pixelated scenes reminiscent of video games from the golden age of arcade games, and larger dream-like painting collages of interiors and exteriors.

Colcord’s painstakingly rendered paintings remind his audience that perceptions – memories, ideas, beliefs – morph over time until they become shadows of any original landscape we once held to be static.

Tom Colcord & Tim Irani -- Alternative Renderings

Tim Irani’s series in this show is part of an ongoing exploration since childhood of two distinct worlds: nature and technology. In marrying these two worlds, Irani addresses his fear of and captivation with human-made automation. Both his paintings and sculptures utilize imagery found in nature and the world of technology, cultivating an environment where technology and the natural word come together in a synthetic style, coexisting in careful balance.

Stark Insider - San Francisco arts, indie film, culture, travel, videosALTERNATIVE RESOLUTIONS

Tom Colcord & Tim Irani

Dates: January 24 – February 22, 2020

Glass Rice Art Gallery

680 8th Street, Suite 240 B
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Cecilia Chia is the founder and director of Glass Rice Gallery in SOMA, SF. Her gallery strives to foster recognition rooted in artistic vitality and vision, by providing a space to build genuine relationships with artists and community.

Jeanne Powell
Jeanne is a published poet and essayist. She holds degrees from Wayne State University and the University of San Francisco. Jeanne has taught in the CS, UB and OLLI programs at universities in the City. Her books in print include MY OWN SILENCE and WORD DANCING from Taurean Horn Press.