Gorgeous miniture oranges and lemons "harvested" from two dwarf fruit trees on my front porch. Weather is spectacular outside given it is the middle of winter. On this quiet Sunday morning, I am reminded of how wonderful it is to live on the West Coast.
Gorgeous miniature oranges and lemons "harvested" from two dwarf fruit trees on my front porch. Weather is spectacular outside given it is the middle of winter. On this quiet Sunday morning, I am reminded of how wonderful it is to live on the West Coast.

I returned from the gym this morning feeling rather refreshed after a quiet morning of reading the latest Steve Jobs biography and an hour of thinking on the elliptical machine. Marveling at the warm sunny weather we are enjoying today in the middle of winter, I glanced over at the two dwarf fruit trees on our front porch. Both were teeming with beautiful lemons and oranges.

When did they appear? Have I been so absorbed each time I’ve rushed in and out of our home that I simply missed this? Today, I finally stopped, basked in the sun, unwrapped a thinly peel-covered orange, broke off a big wedge, popped it into my mouth…and let the bursts of flavors explode.

My dwarf orange tree after I plucked all the ripe oranges off. There are still several left which will ripen in the next week or so. These dwarf citrus trees have been great on the front porch. This tree has been here for over 7 years. Hard to believe.
My dwarf Meyer lemon tree sans lemons. I should have taken a photo prior to "harvesting" my bowl of lemons. While the orange tree is tall an upright, this tree is plump and short. They are like Ernie and Bert in shape except the colors are swapped. The terracotta pots have developed a nice patina over the years. I think it gives them real character.
Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.