I grew up looking forward to weekend mornings, hoping that particular Saturday or Sunday would be the day my parents decided it was too much work to make breakfast. Instead, my dad would take a trip to McDonald’s and bring home a stiff brown paper bag with red markings.
I could smell the contents of the package even before he appeared at the doorway of the kitchen. The melted cheese, sausage and slather of butter on a toasted English muffin was my childhood nirvana.
Alas, nostalgia for McDonald’s McMuffin, wore off one day. I stared down at the little breakfast bundle in front of me and saw a tired, over-salted, mass-produced blob. I wanted to savor my weekend mornings with a sandwich that had more layers of complexity…and so I created the ‘Break the Rules’ egg muffin sandwich.
What I love about ‘sandwich recipes’ is that it affords everyone, even the most novice of cooks, the opportunity to completely veer away from the recipe. Instead, the recipe serves as inspiration; a general direction.
I think the only two elements I would say are truly necessary in this recipe are the egg, which should have a gooey center that bursts when you bite into the sandwich, and the cheese. Now, I only say that because I absolutely adore these ingredients and hope you enjoy them as well.
As for the rest, see what is in your fridge and what you crave. Start the day with a burst of creativity and a spark of optimism that things are more glorious than even you imagined.
You must break an egg and break the rules to truly make a ‘Break the Rules’ egg muffin sandwich.