A recent BBQ party reminded me that peaches aren’t just for cobblers and jams. Instead, they can make a fabulous side dish for summer alfresco dining.
I love this recipe because it is simple and let’s the wonderful sweetness of ripe summer peaches shine through.
Wash and cut each peach in half, removing the pit. Place on the bbq and grill until tender.
While the peaches are on the grill, make the honey Dijon mustard glaze by combining 1 part honey with 1 part Dijon mustard. It is best if you can find whole mustard seed Dijon mustard as the seeds adds a welcomed texture. Place both ingredients into a pot over medium heat.
Stir in 1/2 a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar for about every 3 tablespoons of both honey and Dijon. Keep stirring until the all the ingredients are combined. Turn the heat to low and allow the mixture to simmer.
Once the peaches are ready, place them on a colorful platter. Brush the honey mustard glaze over the peaches and serve.
At the BBQ party, the peaches were served with smoked pork loin, grilled summer squash and eggplant and corn on the cob.
On a warm summer evening, what could be peachier?