2011 Loreto Calendar Entry Denny Gagarin
Dramatic Loreto Baja clouds captured by Denny Gagarin
2011 Loreto Calendar Entry Denny Gagarin
Dramatic Loreto Baja clouds captured by Denny Gagarin

Denny Gagarin’s submission to the 2011 Loreto Calendar contest highlights the many dramatic colors of Loreto Baja.

The warm colors of the Baja sun kissing each cloud as it rises at dawn and lays to sleep in the evenings. The cool colors of the still waters of the Sea of Cortez. Below the calm, there is vibrant and rich marine life.

There are still more submissions coming in and I am working through a healthy collection of them still in my StarkSilverCreek email inbox. Every entry submitted will be posted to StarkSilverCreek for your viewing pleasure. Remember to get your submissions into me by August 31, 2010 by emailing me at loni@starkinsider.com. Yes, it is as simple as that.

After August 31, 2010, we will be switching gears. We will need to go through the challenging, dramatic and sometimes heart-breaking task of whittling the entries down to 14 photo for the main calendar. This year will be the toughest year yet with so many beautiful photos submitted.

Just in case you missed the many previous posts, this year’s net proceeds will benefit Eco Alianza. Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C. is a nonprofit membership organization of environmental organizations and individuals committed to working collaboratively to protect and preserve the coastal, marine and terrestrial eco-systems of the Municipality of Loreto while promoting smart growth strategies and viable communities in the region.

How can you help with the 2011 Loreto calendar effort , dear reader? For now, feel free to post comments on the different posts here on StarkSilverCreek commenting on your favorite photos. If you would like to be more involved this year in judging photos, email me to let me know and maybe this year we can have an “official judging panel”. Just some ideas.

You don’t need to be a homeowner in Loreto, anyone can participate. Calling all warm bodies :-)!

Another way you can help is by pre-ordering your 2011 Loreto Calendar. You can purchase futures of the 2011 vintage here: 2011 Loreto Calendar Order Form.

This is getting so exciting and fun. Glad you are joining in for the ride.

2011 Loreto Calendar Entry Denny Gagarin
Cool still waters captured by Denny Gagarin
Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.