Panko Crusted Ahi Sashimi Sushi Roll at Sansei: Ahi Sashimi, Arugula and Spinach in a crisp-fried panko-crusted sushi roll, served with mild Soy Wasabi Butter Sauce. Does scrumptious sushi satiate or heighten your cravings?
Panko Crusted Ahi Sashimi Sushi Roll at Sansei: Ahi Sashimi, Arugula and Spinach in a crisp-fried panko-crusted sushi roll, served with mild Soy Wasabi Butter Sauce. Does scrumptious sushi satiate or heighten your cravings?

For sushi lovers, it is hard not to obsess over fresh fish surrounded by ocean on all sides of the Big Island of Hawaii. I have an intense weakness for sushi; attempts to refrain from indulging are futile.

Some sushi lovers are purists, admiring the years of training to perfect simplicity until it’s sublime. Others declare devotion to the explosive creativity that results in perfectly engineered rolls intertwining flavors and textures.

I am a sushi lush. An equal opportunity sushi eater. Over the years I’ve developed an appreciation for all different styles…as long as a key ingredient is raw seafood. Otherwise it is always about taste, texture, balance, and complexity.

So far, I have yet to find stellar Chirashi or Sashimi. Killer rolls, I have discovered.

More to come. For now, I’ve ventured into three sushi restaurants in two days and leave you with these photos I took with my phone.

The chase continues. Any help and suggestions from you, dear reader, is more than welcome!

Australian Hiramasa Sashimi with Jalapeno at Sushi Shiono. Fresh fish prepared with an appreciation for the delicate flavors and textures. Sauce and Jalapeno does not overpower.
Haiwaiian Volcano Roll at Sushi Shiono: Spicy tuna roll wrapped with tuna, avocado then topped with special sauces and chopped macadamia nuts.
Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.