SSC All Things West Coast

SSC All Things West CoastThis Friday, you can get your World Cup fix, then get your wine fix. SSC is going live (or planning to, more on that in a moment) this Friday June 25th at 4:50pm from the Wine Bloggers Conference in Walla Walla. Yes, it’s a real place, and a real event. While we can’t promise either entertainment value or education value, we will try to report on the white wines that will be pouring during the “Live Blogging” portion of the conference. Clint and Loni will host on-location from the three day conference.

Below, you can watch the replay from last year as Clint and Loni banter, try to keep up with the ad-hoc, rapid-fire wine tastings as the spit bucket nearby almost starts overflowing. Guests included Hardy Wallace (who won the wine correspondent reality contest last year) and several wine makers. It was hectic with lots of shaky webcam. Let’s call it charm.

This year who knows what to expect. There is no shortage of things that can go wrong. Bad Internet connection (300 enthusiastic Wine Bloggers with iPads, iPhones all Tweeting away can bring any hotel wi-fi to its knees). Bad mic. Bad camera. The list goes on. But rain or shine, the show must (try) to go on. So come back to SSC this Friday at 4:50pm and see what’s happening.

Another Live Blogging session, this time focused on Reds will follow on the Saturday. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about wine, Walla Wall, Wine Blogging, and the perils of new media. Or not… twice as fun / half as smart. Come join us on SSC, we look forward to it!

Wine Bloggers' Conference 2010 Walla WallaHere’s the rules of the game for anyone interested in knowing the details of the Live Wine Blogging sessions: “Bloggers will taste, review, and blog or Tweet about wines, all while hearing directly from the vintners themselves. The conference will be divided into tables of ten participants and each winery will have five minutes to pour, give a short explanation of the wine, and answer questions while bloggers are recording their thoughts (live). Wineries then rotate to the next table. It’s a fast process (although slower than speed dating) but this format allows winemakers and conference participants the opportunity to interact in a small group setting. This year we will have separate Live Wine Blogging sessions for white wines (Friday) and red wines (Saturday).”


From Wine Bloggers Conference
Walla Walla, Washington


  • Friday, June 25 4:50pm Pacific


  • Saturday, June 26 5:00pm Pacific
Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.