Just as I was heading to Lucy Stern Theatre for an afternoon of Palo Alto Players’ ‘Rabbit Hole’, I suddenly had a desire for a hot latte to chase away some of the grey skies and drizzle that had decided to make itself comfortable in the Bay Area. After seeing Coupa Café pop up almost daily on my iPhone thanks to Eugene L— and his caffeine addiction, I decided to swing by before the show and pop a Foursquare alert proclaiming yours truly was at the popular hangout as well. Who knows, maybe I would even bump into him.
The place was bustling on a Sunday afternoon. As espressos drizzled from the large shiny hunks of metal, conversations bubbled from tables that scattered throughout the cafe and overflowed on the patio area. This is a place where new ideas for ventures get written on the back of napkins, shared passions are shared and nonchalant commentary on the weather is mentioned in passing.
A lunch menu of crave-able, globally-inspired organic fair and a tantalizing display of desserts ensures no cup of caffeine remains lonely for too long.

I wanted to linger, but alas a 2 pm start to the play required me to get my latte in a to-go cup and scoot off. A quick scan of the room and I concluded there was no Eugene.
As I brushed past a group of folks that just sauntered in, I thought I saw a familiar face in my peripheral vision. I swung my head back and saw the distinctive profile and haircut of Sergey Brin.
Sip. Mmmm. Nothing like a piping hot latte running down one’s body on a cool, damp day. I hugged my coat closer to me and scurried out and into a rabbit hole.