Clint and I arrived in Loreto, BCS after side-stepping a couple of curve balls.
One was the evening we had to spend at the emergency ward of Samaritan Hospital. There were a couple of moments around 2 am today when I thought we would have to cancel our Loreto trip. The second was a mix up in boarding times for the flight from SFO to LAX. What was originally an 8:20 am departure when we booked the flight had changed to an 8 am flight. Couple that up with a long night at the hospital and we were running on the plane at the last moment, extremely grateful we made it.
When we finally arrived at Jeanette McGraw’s beautiful villa, we were greeted by a plate full of raisin oatmeal cookies courtesy of Jeanette and arranged by Dawn of First Contact Services, Loreto BCS.
What a yummy way to start a week in Loreto.