Peter Edwards contacted me several weeks ago with a wonderful note. The Alberta Loreto Bay Homeowners group wanted to donate the surplus from a get-together event they had at Big Rock Grill in Calgary recently to the 2010 Loreto Calendar charity to benefit the children of the Internado School in Loreto, BCS.
This is a wonderful surprise and I want to thank everyone who contributed to the fund. The $200 will add to the growing amount we are raising from the sale of the 2010 Loreto Calendar. I will update all of you on latest figures this week once we catch our breath and do another tally since I now have printing costs locked down.
You can order your calendar(s) which make fabulous Christmas gifts by clicking here.
Thank you for all that pre-ordered, the calendar is with the printers and I should get final calendars sent to all who pre-ordered by mid-November.