Ana Salceda is the Director of Communications for the process to examine and revise Loreto Bay National Marine Park’s management plan. The Loreto Bay National Marine Park is located in the Sea of Cortez midway down the Baja Mexico peninsula.

Attached please find the summary of the second sectorial meetings (ended on July 13, 2000), focused on revising the management plan for the Loreto Bay National Marine Park.

It was a great success! There were more than 200 participants. The meetings were very productive: they resulted in a lot of thoughtful proposals to enrich the negotiations that will be held in July.

Press release translated from Spanish to English with Google Translate. If someone can provide a more comprehensive translation, appreciate if you can email us with it. Spanish version can be accessed here: ComunicadoPrensa – Fin 2ªSectorial [LKS]

Loreto B.C.S. on June 14, 2009

Successfully completed the Second Round SECTOR IN THE PROCESS PARTICIPATORY Marine Park In the context of the revision process of the management program PNBL, the Sectoral second round ended this weekend with a very positive, according to the direction of the park. For its part, The Center for Collaborative Citizenship (CCC), facilitator of the process, has described as “extremely productive “the seven meetings that over the past week together.

More than 200 people at the university, and through whose contributions have been sown for a rich panorama negotiation in the future meetings in July. The proposals of different sectors focused on topics such as appropriate zoning, to ensure compatibility of activities within the park and the preservation of the resources it offers, the industry specifically ecotourism service providers expressed the need for measure the capacity of the park for each activity and develop a management plan that regulates them.

Other proposals focus on the need for new regulations for improve the present and future management of the marine park, which would be accompanied by creating systems and mechanisms to implement these rules, make them more effective and to avoid illegal activities. All sectors agreed on the need to improve the capacity of the park at all senses, but in particular regarding the monitoring and communication with users.

During the meetings, concern was also expressed by some sectors with new projects that threaten the park or could change the landscape and loretanos lifestyle, which would result in a loss of value added Loreto offers as a tourist destination than places such as Los Cabos or La Paz.

In parallel, the development sector and called for proposals for hotel infrastructure in the coastline, enabling compliance with the objectives of the park. Most sectors proposed recovery areas or “lungs” that allow the regeneration and reproduction of the species, since most of Attendees expressed concern about the decline in the richness of the park marine. In this respect, commercial fishermen suggested creating a these areas in each island, while developers and hoteliers discussed expand these areas of recovery, reaching 30% of the marine park.

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.