I should have known this. When you’re trying to assimilate someone’s aura, it’s all about the HypKnowTron. Before you get too excited, and go out to buy one, keep in mind it also helps if you also have lots of flashing lights, computer chips and a Burning Man pedigree. The things Loni learns on the streets of San Jose.

Also, find out the fate of Loni’s future in this dynamo segment shot live at the successful SubZERO techno-arts mashup festival thingy held downtown San Jose. Artists and technologists unite!

Our thanks to Scott Gasparian, contact information below. It’s called “ChakraTron”, and is an interactive light sculpture by artist Gaspo.

Scott Gasparian (Gaspo)
Teacher, Inventor, Artist

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.