Jeffrey Goodman sat down with Clint for an in-depth discussion about film-making, the business and, of course, his very well received Indie film, The Last Lullaby. The movie is now playing in San Jose at the Camera 12 Cinemas (and in Sacramento too) so catch it if you can before it’s too late.

Highlights in this segment:

  • How Jeffrey became a filmmaker
  • Influence of the French, Tarantino
  • The writer/director concept
  • Bringing The Last Lullaby to the big screen
  • The perseverance and passion needed to make it happen

In future segments it gets even more interesting as Jeffrey talks about casting Tom Sizemore (does he need to audition?), the business planning and financials, raising capital, and distribution including social media.

The fish never did jump in the boat.”

The film’s web site: The Last Lullaby.

Facebook: Group.

Jeffrey Goodman’s Blog on Adventures in Self-Releasing.

Stark Insider: ‘Conversation with Jeffrey Goodman’

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.