On a tour of Lisbon, Portugal, I stopped at the Tower of Belém which is now a UNESCO World Heritage monument. Built in 1515 as a fortress to Lisbon’s harbor, I was first struck by how beautiful it was against the morning sun.

I remember standing on the stone cobbled paths which blanket so much of Lisbon, studying the details in silence of the fortress. Incredible that it is made of stone and yet effortlessly stretches towards the ocean and sky.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.