The Starkies: Get your acceptance speach ready!

The Starkies: Get your acceptance speach ready!

I have mentioned several times in my twitters and a past podcast that I would send out details on the StarkSilverCreek contest.

A contest that, strangely enough, began on January 1 with no details at all, except the notion that all “entries” submitted since January 1, 2009 would be considered valid. The contest, whose modest beginnings started with the first ever SSC Loreto Live contest last year (Are you the winner of the Loreto Live Blog) was such a success, we have expanded the format.

So enough beating around the bush, here are the details of the inaugural, “2009 Starkie Awards”. The purpose of these awards is just because Clint and I thought it would be fun.

There are four categories of awards:

Best “All Things West Coast” Blog Post Starkie Award

Submit a blog post to on any topic . It’s as easy as emailing with your post. The subject is the title. And the rest of the email is your post. Include photos if you want.

A winner will be selected by a panel of judges (Clint and I) across all StarkSilverCreek categories. Best is subjective, but it takes into consideration factors such as writing style, usefulness of content, photo interest (should it be applicable) and level of difficulty. All regular contributors featured here are eligible, except Clinton and I.

Best “All Things Loreto Baja” Blog Post Starkie Award

Limited to blog post entries to all things Loreto Baja. Write about construction of your Loreto Bay casa, outdoor adventure, Loreto restaurants, traveling along Baja. Be creative and share with tens of thousands of interested readers! Send your post to

A winner will be selected by a panel of judges (Clint and I) across all Loreto and Loreto Bay categories. Best is subjective, but it takes into consideration factors such as writing style, usefulness of content, photo interest (should it be applicable) and level of difficulty. All regular contributors featured here are eligible, except Clinton and I.

Random Forum Picks Starkie Award

Go to the StarkSilverCreek forums, and join the discussion! Talk about your favorite wines, wineries, or Loreto Baja adventure. You can create new topics or respond to existing conversation.

A winner will be selected from a drawing of StarkSilverCreek forum contributors. Each posting that provides useful information will be considered an entry in this category.

Random Comments Pick Starkie Award

Add your comment on any StarkSilverCreek post! The more times you comment and the higher the quality of the information, insight or opinion you provide, the greater the chance you will win.

A winner will be selected from a drawing of readers who submit comments to StarkSilverCreek. Each posting that provides useful information will be considered an entry in this category.

Contest Begins

So we already know when the contest began, January 1, 2009.

Contest Ends

So when does it end? June 30, 2009 at midnight.

Recap: How to enter the contest

How do you enter?

Guest blog posts: email them to

Comments: add them to the end of any StarkSilverCreek post using the comment box at bottom of the page.

Forums: enter the StarkSilverCreek forums. Stark a topic (click “NEWTOPIC”) or jump into an existing discussion about wine or Loreto.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.