This past January, we announced the winners of the Loreto Live Blog contest and for a little fun, I gave the winners, Conrad and Deborah, an opportunity to choose their prize:

  • Blue Door “The Sure Thing” : A beautiful, wonderful 2009 Loreto Calendar.
  • Red Door, “The Mystery” : In one month time, you will find and get what’s behind this door.

Both of them chose the “Red Door” and who can blame them?

It’s so hard to resist a mystery. Well, it’s been a month so time to announce what’s behind the red door and what will be arriving at the doorsteps of Conrad and Deborah’s homes.

Ladies and gentlemen, behind the red door we have a beautiful StarkSilverCreek stainless steel waiter’s friend to open up your favorite bottle and a collection of 24 premium chocolates to pair with your wine. The first recipients of some StarkSilverCreek swag. Quite proud I didn’t end up with t-shirts!

Hope you enjoy Deborah and Conrad!

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.