A ribbon ceremony marks the completion of a building. But how do you mark the completion of a swimming pool?
A water filling “ceremony” Loreto Bay style.
We have been profiling this new swimming pool in Founder’s for some time and we finally got word that it was complete and filled with water.
It started off a couple of days ago with reports from Pat R. who is down in Loreto that she noticed landscaping crews working feverishly this week completing the beautiful greenery and hardscape around the pool. Other crews worked until late into the night completing the pool house.
The mystery of the urgency was solved when Pat noticed an enormous white tank had lumbered in, squeezed between two village chicas, plopped itself beside the pool and suntanned as its big fat hose shot water into the pool.
I have been keeping up with the pool progress, but the final results are more stunning than I fathomed.