I’ve been writing about the construction of our little Casa del Lagarto Azul in Loreto, Baja Mexico for over two years.

For those that are going through the process, I feel a special connection to you, a shared bond. If there is one silver lining around the churn in ownership of Loreto Bay is that in this world of economic uncertainty, we have been brought closer together as a community. I do hope that the genesis of Club Loreto Bay gives us the virtual way to keep in touch for those of us not able to spend full time in Loreto.

For those that think this plot on StarkSilverCreek is just a diversion from the articles about wine, food and gadgets, I hope that my musings about a plot of dirt, Perform Wall and angst over color choices have at least amused you between glasses of wine.

January 26, 2009: An email entitled “AV 25 – CoSP” appears in my inbox from someone named Christian D—. Who was Christian in this Loreto Bay home construction play? Was he going to be making a fleeting guest appearance or be a regular figure like Jesus?

The letter welcomed us to our Agua Viva home. Attached were two documents:

  • Our Certificate of Substantial Completion (CoSP) signed by Christian (Home Delivery Coordinator), Hector (Customer Services Senior Manager), Ruben (Senior Construction Manager) and Luis (Director of Architecture). It was comforting to see that besides Christian, I had previous contact with all of the other gentlemen. This document also notified us that we had 45 days from January 26th to inspect the home.
  • The Inspection Procedure (Loreto Bay Inspection Procedure.) This document outlines the procedures of the inspection as well as ways to pay the last 5%. Prior to the inspection being conducted, one needs to have 95% of the home paid for and the procedure outlines the ways a homeowner can pay the final 5%.

About 4 hours after this CoSP email arrived, I get a notice from Adrian G— at Loreto Bay Accounts Receivable with an invoice the remaining balance up to 95% of the home being paid. It’s amazing how coordinated Loreto Bay can sometimes be.

I reviewed all our issues that evening, made a list of outstanding issues per Jesus’ suggestion in the RFI (Request for Information) template. The next day, I booked our flight for Loreto March 5-8, just in time for the 45 day limit.

I also sent a note out to Jesus, Christian, Adrian and the rest of customer service and booked our final inspection for March 6 at 11 am. This is the end date we are shooting for. If any other homeowners want to join the tour, shoot us a note at info@starkinsider.com or add a comment.

From now until March 6, I’ve asked that all issues be addressed, photo proof taken so that the 95% progress milestone fully completed and funds are released to them.

I’ve got my fingers and my toes crossed. For those that happen to be down there prior to March 5, appreciate any updates on our Casa del Lagarto Azul (AV 25) and we will be happy to return the favor when we are down in early March.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.