Welcome, dear reader, to the premiere showing of “Loreto Bay Agua Viva at the Dawn of 2009”.

Photographer: Our very own Al Graichen, a fellow Loreto Bay homeowner.

We realize that some of you may not be able to get down to Loreto as often as you’d like so here are some great snapshots by Al of the Agua Viva construction site.

If you “View as slideshow with captions”, you’ll be able to see which home sites are being featured.

Al has also noted if you let him know your lot number, he will try to take photos of it…no guarantees as he is there on vacation…or so we are told, I am unconvinced!

The easiest way to let him know is to post a short comment here with your Loreto Bay lot number.

Some updates from Al on January 5, 2009:

  • The crews were to return today and return they did. Management personnel were very evident on the street getting acquainted with their partners and talking about the holiday break.
  • AV23-25 look like they are close to completion from the outside.
  • If my map reading is close, AV904-906 have the ground plumbing in. AV907-909 have the first floor up and debris is being cleaned up.
  • On the golf course/ocean side, 137-141 grading continues as does 259-263. The grader was out and moving as I walked the estuary. 229-230 have paint.
  • The estuary walls look relatively good from 37 up to 270 with some work remaining in the 270-272 area.
  • There was a small dam in front of 133 with water being pumped out of the area in front of 104-133 filling up the area from 235-270. Perhaps more wall work is needed in that area.
  • The ground still looks like a bit of fill and leveling is needed before “ground breaking” for any home in the area along the estuary from 104-270.
  • It was good to see the heavy equipment moving. Nothing however was being done on the Paseo with the exception of some minor brickwork around the palm trees.
Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.