Loreto Bay Agua Viva Lines in Sand: Loreto Dreams

We’ve been down to Loreto several times since we first bought our place in 2006. However, this past trip was the first time we went while it was not a Loreto Bay Homeowner’s Weekend. We meant to do this on our last trip as well but as coincidence would have it, after we had booked our air flight and hotel, Loreto Bay announced their Fun in the Sun weekend at the same time.

We love the homeowner weekends and meeting future neighbors, but we were also curious to know how Loreto and Loreto Bay would feel on a non-event weekend.
Strangely, it was this past visit that made me realize that we have a shared dream that transcends the cement and perform wall structures we are all trying to get built, and yet, is represented by these same structures. Two events made me really reflect on this.

Firstly, I am probably famous at Loreto Bay for checking out our home multiple times when we visit. So much that the gentleman that guards the fenced entrance, when queried on “Lot 25” just gives a knowing nod and recites clear directions on how to get there. Another homeowner who has their place in Founder’s completed, surprised me by asking if they could come tour our place with us. They were interested but also wanted to relive the excitement of being in the process.

Secondly, as I was on the terrace of our little home that is almost completed, I looked down and saw the lines being drawn in the sand for someone else’s home. Another dream just beginning. The view was dramatic with the geometric lines, the shiny bright construction hats and the long shadows cast by the setting sun.

This is why for the Loreto BCS 2009 Calendar, the month of March features this view from the terrace.

It represents all our collective dreams for the Loreto community. We are honored to be part of it, both as participants and spectators.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.