I have a special fondness for Loreto Bay construction hats. Wear these trusty things everytime we are out on the construction site…which is quite often!

Those that have been following my twitter have been emailing in asking for more details on the changes to the standards we have been seeing in Agua Viva. We will be posting and writing more about the information we have collected so far but to address some of the questions quickly, here are some photos!

The Paseo is being torn up so that the roads can be refinished and the sidewalks changed to winding flagstone paths. This activity is happening in the Founders Area.

New cupola design. Less round, more square and larger. We will still have the older design because it has already been built on our unit.

Wooden door and window installed on the cupola.

Photo of the Stepp’s unit AV024 which has cement tiles installed on the terrace floor. At first Clint and I thought this was an option we missed. Jesus explained to us that this is now standard in Agua Viva to improve maintenance. If there is a crack in the cement, one needs to only replace one tile instead of trying to fix the entire floor.

Close up of the tiles which are quite elaborate with the inset. What a nice surprise “standard”. Please note that these are “tiles” that are layed down, not stamped concrete.

Pathways are now nice and winding between village homes. This is a change from previous pathways which use to span from home to home with only little pockets for vegetation. This will add more to the lushness of the landscape in the community.

Clint and Jesus pose to show a job well done by the Loreto Bay construction team. All the issues we had on our last RFI have been addressed in the actual constructed unit. Kudos out to the team, know you have all worked very hard and Clint and I appreciate it. Mucho Gracias!

Have Blackberry will twitter. This is a common image of me hunched over my Blackberry reporting on the news in Loreto. I lost this Vancouver 2010 cap in airplane down to Loreto…sigh…if any of you see it please let Horizon know it belongs moi.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.