IMG_6788 Address: On Ave Benito Juarez between Calle Davis and the Malecon. (Next to Dolphin Dive Center)

Hours: Open for lunch at noon and dinner until 10 pm daily.

On the first evening in Loreto on our latest visit, we decided to go out for dinner. We wanted a low key, comfortable place that served classic Mexican dishes.

Giggling Dolphin Restaurant & Boat Bar delivered on this and offered some recreation in the midst of a great dinner as well.

True to it’s name “Boat Bar”, the restaurant actually has part of a boat that has been modified into a bar area for patrons.

When we arrived on a Thursday evening around 6 pm, there were several people around the bar and two other tables filled in the restaurant area. This suited us perfectly as I was looking for a low key evening after bustling around airports and an active tour of our home in Agua Viva, Loreto Bay.

Front part of the boat bar at Giggling Dolphin.

Patrons sitting at the boat bar.

I ordered the “Chicken in mole sauce (70 pesos) which was listed under “Our Mexican Famous Plattes/Nuestra Famosa Comida Mexicana” and a Pina Colada (50 pesos). Clint ordered a clearly gringo dish, the New York Steak (180 pesos) listed under “Steaks w/ Baked Potatoe Vegetables”.

We were all very hungry so these nachos at the start of the meal were a welcomed treat.

Both dishes came promptly and the service was very courteous. I later realized that our waiter was also the owner, Uvaldo Islas Fernandez. Had we known this during our dinner, I would have gotten him to sign our Loreto BCS, Mexico guide.

My chicken mole dish.

The chicken mole was delicious and hit the spot in terms of comfort food after a long day in airports, settling in and touring our Nueva Chica. The sauce was flavorful and complemented the rice and beans on the plate as well, it did not overpower. The Pina Colada was very good and had some chunks of real pineapple that the blender did not catch so I know there was real fruit used to make the drink. It had to right balance of pinapple, ice and creaminess…not too sweet or artificial tasting.

Clint notes the steak he had was tasty and very good value, not steakhouse quality, more on par with a Chilli’s here. This is to be expected as they are known more for their classic Mexican dishes.

The highlight of the evening was the margaritas (45 pesos) which was carried out in a glass blender container, followed by an odd looking stationary red bicycle. With the drink set on the top of this bicycle, it became apparent this entire contraption was a sustainable (aka “Green”) margarita blender. There were several orders of margaritas that night so we all got to try putting the pedal to the metal.

The margarita blender.

Nice casual atmosphere to hang out with friends, have some delicious Mexican comfort food and catch a couple of giggles on the sustainable margarita blender.

View of the front landscaping of the restaurant from our dining table.

Clint, Sharon and Jane…smiling in anticipation of the great food to come.

Giggling Dolphin Menu.

Sharon pedaling hard on the bike.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.